Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Technical Assistance Call

  • Presentation is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

May 2020


All attendees will be on mute throughout the presentation

Please send all questions to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov

Today´s Call

  • Introduction - Kiera Bentley
  • Review of Questions - Daniel Hallenbeck
  • Technical Update - Daniel Hallenbeck
  • Next Steps - Kiera Bentley


  • Thank you for joining us on April 20th, the following was reviewed:
    • New York State´s decision to implement the Choice Model
    • EVV Resources
    • High Level Timeline
    • Submission Interface Requirements
    • Submission Data Details
    • PowerPoint has been posted to the EVV Website

May 2020

Technical Update

  • Response to questions received via EVVHelp@health.ny.gov
  • EVV Interface Control Document (ICD)
    • ICD defines the eMedNY system´s EVV interface with EVV Submitters
  • Review of draft ICD
    • Draft ICD will be posted to EVV website for review and comment
  • Finalized ICD will be posted to the EVV website by May 29th, 2020

High-level Timeline

Event Date
Statewide Aggregator Technical Collaboration Calls April 2020
Final Statewide Aggregator Technical Specifications published Mid-Late May 2020
Implementation Technical Assistance Calls April-December 2020 * DOH will determine the need to continue these calls for Home Health Services in September and will extend these calls as necessary
Providers Begin Registering Selected EVV Solutions with the Statewide Aggregator August 2020
Statewide Aggregator Testing Begins October 2020
Final Date for Providers to Implement EVV for Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS) December 31st 2020

* Aggregator Technical Collaboration Calls are scheduled bi-weekly until December 2020. Once the technical specifications are published, NYSDOH will begin hosting Implementation Technical Assistance Calls. The frequency of these will be based on need and will be published to the website in advance.

Next Steps

  • Upcoming survey to gauge Providers uses of EVV Vendors and interest in pilot testing
    • Will be sent out via the EVV and eMedNY Listservs, please email EVVHelp@health.ny.gov for a link to the survey
  • Check the website for updates
    • NYSDOH will be posting FAQ´s on a regular basis
  • Upcoming Technical Assistance Calls
    • May 19th - 2:00-3:00 PM
    • June 2nd - 2:00-3:00 PM
    • June 16th - 2:00-3:00 PM

EVV Implementation Questions and Resources

EVV Help Mailbox

NYS EVV Listserv Email

  • listserv@list.ny.gov
    Please include the following in your email sign-up request: SUBSCRIBE EVV-L YourFirstName YourLastName

Website Resources NYS DOH EVV Website

  • https://www.health.ny.gov/evv