Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Technical Assistance Call

  • Presentation is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

May 19, 2020


All attendees will be on mute throughout the presentation

Please send all questions to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov

Today´s Call

  • Introduction - Kiera Bentley
  • Technical Update - Daniel Hallenbeck
  • Review of Questions - Daniel Hallenbeck
  • Technical Update - Daniel Hallenbeck
  • Next Steps - Kiera Bentley


  • Thank you for joining us on May 5th, the following was reviewed:
    • Draft Interface Control Document
    • High Level Timeline
    • eMedNY
      • NYSDOH is following CMS guidance that it should collect (“aggregate”) EVV data that can be used to assess compliance with the Cures Act. We will be using the existing eMedNY system to implement this data collection.
    • Technical Assistance Call Purpose:
      • Collaborate on the data collection technical requirements and get any feedback about issues and concerns with the data aggregation throughout design and testing
    • Prior PowerPoints have been posted to the EVV Website

Technical Update

  • EVV Interface Control Document (ICD)
    • Has been posted here
      • Please send your questions and comments to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov
        • NYSDOH would appreciate your feedback by June 2, 2020
  • Companion Guide
    • NYSDOH will be posting an EVV Companion Guide to the website early summer
    • The Companion Guide will contain:
      • Instructions for Electronic Communications with the Statewide Aggregator
      • Information for submitting electronic transactions

Review of Questions

  • The EVV Team is reviewing all questions submitted to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov
  • The team will continue to review relevant questions on upcoming TA Calls
  • If your question is not reviewed, please refer to the posted FAQs

Question and Answer

  • We will try to answer as many questions within the given timeframe
  • If your question is not answered, please send it to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov
  • To ask a question, please type question in the Chat Box
    • Please do not repeat your questions, we will do our best to get to as many as possible

Next Steps

  • Survey to gauge Providers uses of EVV Vendors and interest in pilot testing has been published
    • Will be sent out via the EVV and eMedNY Listservs, please email EVVHelp@health.ny.govfor a link to the survey
  • Check the website for updates here
    • NYSDOH will be posting FAQ´s on a regular basis
  • Upcoming Technical Assistance Calls
    • June 2nd - 2:00-3:00 PM
    • June 16th - 2:00-3:00 PM
    • June 30th - 2:00 -3:00 PM

EVV Implementation Questions and Resources

EVV Help Mailbox

NYS EVV Listserv Email

  • listserv@list.ny.gov
    Please include the following in your email sign-up request: SUBSCRIBE EVV-L YourFirstName YourLastName

Website Resources NYS DOH EVV Website