Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Technical Assistance Call

  • Presentation is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

December 2020


All attendees will be on mute throughout the presentation

Please send all questions to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov

Today´s Call

  • Introduction/Update – Kiera Bentley
  • Review of ICD – CSRA Team
  • API Demo – CSRA Team
  • Open Q & A – Dan Hallenbeck/EVV Team
  • Next Steps


  • Production API - went live on December 10th
*December 31st, 2020 - Final Date for Providers to Implement EVV for Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS)
  • Artifacts are still available for review

EVV Attestation Form - Providers must submit their Attestation Form

How to get there:

  • Go to www.emedny.org
  • Click on Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) on the right hand side of the main page.

EVV Record Submission

  • Submitters will be able to submit multiple EVV records per submission.
  • An EVV Submitter acting as an EVV proxy (Managed Care Organization, Verification Organization, Aggregator, Vendor, etc.) will be able to submit for multiple providers which can include multiple EVV records per provider per submission.
  • Error handling will be able to accept successful rows and reject only bad rows (with an appropriate reject reason). Rejected records should be reviewed for accuracy by the EVV Submitter.
  • The service will identify previously accepted records and reject duplicated data with an appropriate reject reason.

Rejection reason codes and descriptions can be found in the EVV Technical User Guide on eMedNY.org

HTTP Operations

The Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Data API service will leverage the HTTP Methods POST, PUT, DELETE, and GET.

  • POST - This operation is used for submitting one or many EVV records.
  • PUT - This operation is used for submitting only one EVV record or updating an existing EVV record.
  • DELETE - This operation is used to delete an EVV record.
  • GET - This operation is used to retrieve an EVV record.

If you face issues with the interface, contact the eMedNY Call Center at (800) 343-9000.

EVV Request Data Model

Property Type Data Element Number Length Format Required Description/Validation
Visit Object
transactionId string   Min: 1 Max: 150   Yes Unique transaction ID per visit generated by the EVV system when the EVV record is generated. Transaction ID must not be generated outside the EVV system including during submission. The recommendation would be to use a UUID/GUID Compliant ID if available.
memberId string   8   Yes Medicaid Id for the recipient receiving the service. A unique identifier assigned to each Medicaid Member by the Welfare Management System (WMS) or NYSoH. It serves to identify the medical data pertaining to the individual as the unique permanent identifier. Must pass Client ID Check Digit. Client ID must exist on eMedNY.
dateOfBirth date-only     YYYY-MM-DD Yes Date of Birth of the recipient receiving the service. Cannot be greater than the current date (future date). Must match the date of birth on eMedNY.
providerName string   Max: 35   No Provider Name is the name of a provider of Medicaid services as used on official State records. Provider Name should match the name used on Medicaid claims and encounters. This represents the name of the Billing Provider.
nationalProviderId string   10   Situational National Provider Identifier (NPI) is the nationally recognized provider identifier assigned by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The NPI, if populated, should match what is on the claim or encounter that corresponds to the service. Required if MMIS Identifier is not present. Must Pass NPI Billing Check Digit. When NPI and Provider ID are both present, they must be a valid combination in eMedNY. This represents the NPI of the Billing Provider.
providerId string   8   Situational MMIS Identifier is a unique number generated by the eMedNY system and assigned to each provider enrolled to provide services to Members of the Medicaid program. This number is the primary method of identifying a provider. The MMIS ID, if populated, should match what is on the claim or encounter that corresponds to the service. Required if National Provider Identifier (NPI) is not present. Must pass MMIS Billing Check Digit. Must be active on Date of Service. When NPI and Provider ID are both present, they must be a valid combination in eMedNY. This represents the MMIS ID of the Billing Provider.
taxPayerId string   9   Yes Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). This represents the TaxPayer ID of the Billing Provider.
providerAddress Address       No Providers most current street address, city, state and zip code. This represents the address of the Billing Provider.
providerRateCode string   4   Situational Rate Code specifies a medical service or product that utilizes a rate reimbursement technique processed by the eMedNY system. All Institutional claims are paid by rate code and they include: Clinic, Managed Care, Inpatient, ICF/DD, Child Care, Home Health and Nursing Home claims. Required if Procedure Code is not present. Must be a valid rate code. Applicable billing codes can be found here.
procedureCode string   Min: 5 Max: 5   Situational Procedure Code for the service rendered to the recipient by the provider. Required if Rate Code is not present. Must be a valid (HCPCS) procedure code. Applicable billing codes can be found here.
procedureModCode array   2   No Two character number modifying the procedure code for the service rendered to the recipient by the provider. Must be a valid modifier, up to 4 occurrences.
serviceStartDateTime datetime-only     YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss Yes Begin date/time of the service received by the recipient. Must be a valid date/time. Cannot be greater than the current date (future date). Timestamp is EST.
serviceEndDateTime datetime-only     YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss Yes End date/time of the service received by the recipient. Must be a valid date/time. Must be greater than Begin date/time. Cannot be greater than the current date (future date). Timestamp is EST.
serviceStartLocation string   Min: 4 Max: 9   Yes Service start location describes the place where the visit began at the service start time. (Home, Community) Must be a valid service start location.
serviceEndLocation string   Min: 4 Max: 9   Yes Service end location describes the place where the visit concluded at the service end time. (Home, Community) Must be a valid service end location.
serviceProviderFirstName string   Min: 1 Max: 35   Yes First name of the servicing worker. This should match employment records maintained by the billing provider. This represents the first name of the caregiver providing the service.
serviceProviderLastName string   Min: 1 Max: 60   Yes Last name of the servicing worker. This should match employment records maintained by the billing provider. This represents the last name of the caregiver providing the service.
serviceProviderPhoneNumber string   10 9999999999 No Phone number of the servicing worker. This represents the phone number of the caregiver providing the service.
caregiverId string   Min: 1 Max: 128   Yes The Caregiver ID is the ID used to uniquely identify the person providing the service within the Provider´s EVV System and/or solution.
Address Object
address1 string   Max: 40   Yes Building Number or Street Line 1
address2 string   Max: 40   No Building Number or Street Line 2
city string   Max: 25   Yes City
state string   Max: 2   Yes State
zip string   Min: 5 Max:9 99999 or 999999999 Yes Zip Code
Submitter ID
submitterId string   8   Yes The organization submitting the EVV transactions on behalf of the Provider. The Submitter ID will be in the URI and is not required as a payload, since it will be same for a given submitter. This is also in line with the REST Design and allows us to apply security rules based on the submitter.

The EVV Interface Control Document can also be found on eMedNY.org

Question and Answer

  • We will try to answer as many questions within the given timeframe
  • If your question is not answered, please send it to EVVHelp@health.ny.gov
  • To ask a question, please type question in the Chat Box
    • Please do not repeat your questions, we will do our best to get to as many as possible

Next Steps

  • Register to submit Production Data
    • Submit data!
  • Upcoming Technical Assistance Calls
    • December 29th - 2:00 - 3:00 PM
  • December 31st, 2020 - Final Date for Providers to Implement EVV for Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS)

EVV Implementation Questions and Resources

EVV Help Mailbox
NYS EVV Listserv Email
  • listserv@list.ny.gov
    Please include the following in your email sign-up request: SUBSCRIBE EVV-L YourFirstName YourLastName
Website Resources