Appropriateness Criteria Codes HHSA and HHSC

ARCHIVED August 2024

  • Codes also available in the following format (PDF)
Appropriateness Code Appropriateness Criteria Program Comments Required (Y/N)?
10 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current H-code in EMEDNY (HARP Eligible/Enrolled) Adults N
11 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current POP flag in PSYCKES Adults N
12 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current Quality or HH+ flag in PSYCKES or equivalent from RHIO or MCO Adults N
13 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member currently involved with mandated preventive services. Must specify date issued services and provider of service Children Y
14 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recent inpatient/ED/psychiatric hospital/Detox within the last 6 months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Children Y
15 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recent out of home placement (foster care, relative, RTF, RTC, etc.) within the last 6 months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Children Y
16 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recently diagnosed with a terminal illness/condition within the last 6 months. Must specify condition and date diagnosed Children Y
17 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member received an initial Disability Determination (SSI or DOH Disability Certificate/letter) within the last 6 months Children N
18 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Released from Jail/Prison/Juvenile detention, involved with Probation, PINS, Family Court within the last 6 months. Must specify name program and date of release/court/probation Children Y
19 HEALTHCARE RISK: Member (or guardian) is unable to appropriately navigate the healthcare system for the member's chronic conditions Both Y
20 HEALTHCARE RISK: Member does not have a healthcare provider or specialist to treat a chronic health condition Both N
21 HEALTHCARE RISK: Member has not seen their provider (e.g., PCP, BH, etc.) in the last year Both N
22 READMISSION/RECIDIVISM RISK: Released from inpatient Medical, Psych, or Detox within the last 6 months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Adults Y
23 READMISSION/RECIDIVISM RISK: Released from Jail/Prison or other justice program within the last 6 months. Must specify name program and date of release Adults Y
24 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Current Intimate Partner Violence/Current Family Violence in the home of the member Both N
25 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Currently cannot access food due to financial limitations or ability to shop or access food site, dietary restrictions, etc. Both N
26 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Currently homeless (HUD 1, 2, or 4) & for Transitional Age Youth, has no stable living arrangement (living with different friends/family) Both N
27 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member has fewer than 2 people identified as a support by the member Both N
28 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member has had a change in guardianship/caregiver within the last 6 months Both N
29 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member is concurrently HH appropriate due to caregiver/guardian enrolled in HH Children Y
30 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member (or caregiver, if Member is a child) does not have needed benefits (SSI, SNAP, etc.) Both N
31 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Recent institutionalization or nursing home placement of member's primary support person Adults N
32 TREATMENT NON-ADHERENCE RISK: Member/care team member report of non-adherence…Must specify WHICH medication(s) and/or treatment(s) are involved Both Y
33 TREATMENT NON-ADHERENCE RISK: PSYCKES flag related to non-adherence or equivalent from RHIO or MCO Both N
34 Direct referral from MCO, Local Government Units (LGU), or Single Point of Access (SPOA) Both N
35 Direct referral from Adult Protective Services Adults N
36 Direct referral from Child Protective Services/Preventive Services Program Children N