Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal (MAPP)

The Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal (MAPP) Health Home Tracking System (HHTS) is a performance management system that will provide tools to the Health Home network to support providing care management for the Health Home population. The HHTS is housed within MAPP, which also supports the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program performance management technology needs.




Other HHTS Resources

  • Segment End Date Category & Reason Codes Crosswalk - (Web) - (XLSX) - October 20, 2023
  • HH County Codes, Phases and Regions - (Web) - (XLS)

Below are resources associated with the MAPP HHTS releases including dates, updates and specification documents. Currently, the system is operating under Release 4.6, therefore the documents related to this release represent what is currently in production. This release was deployed on September 7, 2024.

Older versions of the specs documents can be found in the Archive section.

MAPP Health Home Tracking System Release Information
Release Release Date Outline of Changes (PDF) Release Webinar Updated File Specifications Document (PDF) Updated File Specifications Document with Track Changes (PDF) Updated File Specifications (XLSX)
4.7 Dec 2024 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
4.6 9/7/24 v4.6 Outline August 9, 2024 Webinar v.4.6.1 v.4.6.1 with Track Changes MAPP HHTS File Specifications v.23
4.5 6/1/24 v4.5 Outline May 1, 2024 Webinar v.4.5.1 v.4.5.1 with Track Changes
4.4 12/9/23 v4.4 Outline November 9, 2023 Webinar v.4.4.2 v.4.4.2 with Track Changes
4.3 8/5/23 v4.3 Outline July 13, 2023 Webinar v.4.3 v.4.3 with Track Changes
Upcoming MAPP Health Home Tracking System Webinars
Presentation Date Time Description/Topic Webinar Link

MAPP Webinar Materials

  • MAPP Health Home Tracking System Release 3.5 System Changes & Enhancements - September 23, 2020 (PDF)
    Topic(s):Review of Release 3.5, Effective 11/13/2020: Creation of segments for members transitioning from a restricted setting. Additional information added to past assignment file, POC date added on billing support download, provider information added on opt out screen, end reason codes were added for Step Down, and CIN Search file has added begin and end dates for first 5 RE codes. Updated HARP eligible/enrolled logic (based on H codes). Elimination of outreach billing instances. New member summary report, and new RE code download file.
  • MAPP Health Home Tracking System Release 3.4 System Changes & Enhancements - April 28, 2020 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 3.4 Effective 6/5/2020: Updates to the Provider Management Module (new download file, Update to Member's Personal Information Screen, Update to Consent for Members Turning 18, Minor MCP Assignment File field population changes, Change to Child HCBS Flag on the Enrollment Download file, Update to CMA User Role: Create and Edit Plan of Care ( POC ) on Screen,Additional Validation Checks on Dates, Updated reason codes to align with HH policy guidelines, Limit Member CIN Search for Active R/E Codes Only
  • MAPP Health Home Tracking System Release 3.3 System Changes & Enhancements - February 5, 2020 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 3.3 Effective 3/12/2020: Consent to Enroll required for adult enrollment segments, MAPP Referrer Users have access to the Adult Referral Quick Link, HH and CMA workers cannot create segments via the tracking file for Medicaid ineligible members, ACT members prevented from entering the MAPP HHTS, Updates to the Billing Support Upload (BSU) and Billing Support Download (BSD) Files and Rate Logic, System wide update to file field naming convention, Acuity Download File removed,The Provider Relationship Download File, Validity checks for dates on incarceration release date, substance abuse discharge date, and mental illness discharge date in the HML assessments
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - December 12, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.8 Effective 1/10/2019: HCBS Related Changes (a. Changes to the Children's Referral Portal (CRP), b. HCBS Flag Added to the Enrollment Download File, c. HCBS Assessment Information Displayed, d. New File), Ability to Suggest Providers in CRP, Changes to Billing Questionnaires (a. Additional Chronic Condition Selections (adult and child), b. Additional Question in HML)
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - August 8, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.6 Effective 8/15/2018: Ability to Pend a Pended Segment, Addition of Two Segment Pend Reasons, My Members, My Assignments and Manage Assignments Screens Search Results Update, CANS NY Assessment Acuity Transfer for New Member's CIN, Additional Fields Added to the Enrollment Download File
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - August, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Accessing the MAPP CIN Search Function
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - June 7, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.5 Effective 6/8/2018: Additional Options Added to the Chronic Conditions List, Updated Warning and Error Messages, Required Fields on Originating Referral Source Information Screen (Children's HH Referral Portal), Update to Members' Home Tab, Issue Creating a Pending Non VFCA CMA Assignment without a HH Assignment Fixed, Updated Enrollment Download File Logic for MCP Users
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - April 3, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP HHTS Update: LGU/SPOA Referrer Role and LDSS Referrer Role with CIN Search
  • MAPP HHTS Webinar - February 16, 2018 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.4 Updates to the MAPP HHTS Files Effective 2/27/2018: Update to LGU/SPOA and LDSS Referral Roles, Children HH Referral Changes, MCP/HH Assignment File Changes, AL/NH Principle Provider (PP) Code Changes, HML Billing Changes, New Health Home Rate Codes
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - September 19, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.2 Updates to the MAPP System Effective 10/1/2017: Outreach Changes, Changes to the MAPP HHTS File Download Naming Convention, Changes to the Children's HH Referral Portal, Corrections to Billing Support Download File Search Criteria
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - August 31, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Review of Release 2.1 Updates to the MAPP HHTS Files Effective 8/1/2017: Managed Care Plan Assignment File, CIN Search Download File, Health Home Assignment File—Added Fields & Field Logic
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - May 16, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Health Home Eligible Population and Risk Score Change, Updated Guidance for Members with RE Code 95, Do Not Set Up RE Code 35 for Health Home Members, Billing Support
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - March 21, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): New Outreach/Hiatus Guidelines, HML Assessments Stuck in Progress Status
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - February 21, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Moving Health Home Payments Plans, RE Code 95, HH Suggested Alternative Assignment
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - January 31, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Clarification of BSD fields that Trigger Health Home Claim Submission, Date of Service Guidance on CANS-NY Medicaid Claim
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - January 24, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Training Newsletters posted on the MAPP HHTS Website, Outreach Rules, Member CIN Search Bug, MCPs Responsiveness to HH Requests for Member Assignments, MCPs/HHs Contacts
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - January 17, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): BSD File Billing Entity Field Issue, RE Code 95 & S1, CANS-NY Assessment Fee Claim Issue, Adult HML Assessment/Children's Questionnaire ARE required each month
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - January 10, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Housing Questions on the HML, CANs-NY tiers, HH Contact Information, RE Code 95 & S1, Adult HML Assessment/Children's Questionnaire
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - January 3, 2017 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Incorrect Rate Code Displayed for HARP Members on BSD, MCP/HH Role in Referring Members under 21 with an MCP Assignment, Timely Payment Issues
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - December 13, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP HHTS issues, Timely Payment Issues, Weekly Webinar Links
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - December 6, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Phase II Day 1 Tasks, Important Reminders, New System Functionality, Weekly Webinar Links, Contact Information
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - November 29, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP HHTS Blackout Period, Ending Active Enrollment Segments for Members under 21 as of segment begin date, New MAPP HHTS, Weekly Webinar links
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - November 8, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Kids Go-Live Updates, Billing Changes for 12/1/2016, MAPP HHTS File Changes for 12/1/2016, Billing Changes for 4/1/2017, HHSC HML instructions
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - November 1, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Go-Live Updates, Billing Changes for 12/1/16, MAPP HHTS File Changes for 12/1/16, Billing Changes for 4/1/17, CMHA Business Continuity Plan, Codes not Compatible with HH Program
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - September 27, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP HHTS Reminders, Implementation of 12/1/16 HH Billing Changes
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - September 20, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Modifying Hiatus Outreach Segments, Base Acuity, Billing ACT, HH-MCP Relationships, Checking MAPP HHTS, HML Assessment prior to MA Claims, MAPP HHTS the Official System of Record
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - September 13, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): File Specs Update, ACT and HML
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - August 23, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): System update, bug fixes, File Spec changes
  • MAPP HHTS Weekly Webinar - July 26, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): 12/1/16 Updates, HML, HARP rollout
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar - July 12, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): FAQ's submitted to MAPP CCC
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar - June 16, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): HH Focused Admin Tasks, Gatekeeper Role, Managing Relationships, CMA IDs, Billing Support, Assignment File & Outreach Logic
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar - May 24, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): FAQ's submitted to MAPP CCC
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar - May 3, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): FAQ's submitted to MAPP CCC
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar - April 26, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP HHTS Tasks, Hiatus Outreach Segments, Assignment process flow, MAPP HHTS Updates, Expectations, Next Steps
  • MAPP HHTS Implementation for MCP - April 20, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Implementation Preparation, HHTS Data Conversion, Day One Tasks, Expectations, Next Steps
  • MAPP HHTS Implementation for HH - April 14, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): Implementation Preparation, HHTS Data Conversion, Day One Tasks, Expectations, Next Steps
  • MAPP HHTS Implementation Preparation - March 1, 2016 (PDF)
    Topic(s): MAPP Implementation, important dates
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar PDF - WMV - June 2, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Health Home Implementation Update, Current Tracking System Known Issues, MAPP File Submission, Final Billing Support File Specifications, Changes to Direct Biller Indicator in MAPP
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar PDF - WMV - May 19, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Health Home Implementation Update, Assignment and Segment Status Types, Upcoming webinar topics, Reference Slides
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar PDF - WMV - May 5, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Health Home Implementation Update, MAPP File Submission, MAPP Health Home Dashboard Demo
  • MAPP Health Home Bi-weekly Webinar PDF - April 21, 2015
    Topic(s): Health Home Implementation Update, MAPP File Submission, MAPP Health Home Dashboard Demo
  • Health Home Bi-weekly Implementation Webinar: MAPP File Exchange PDF - WMV - April 15, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Updates, Review of HML Billing, Phase 1 Functionality, MAPP Upload/Download and Workflow
  • MAPP Health Home Webinar for Care Management Agencies PDF - March 24, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Functionality, MAPP Workflows, MAPP Demo: Billing Support, Health Home Care Management Agency Organizational and User Set-up
  • MAPP Billing Support MP4 - March 24, 2015
  • MAPP Statewide Implementation for Care Management Agencies PDF - February 5, 2015
    Topic(s): HCS Organization Accounts, HCS User Accounts, HCS MAPP Roles, Training, CMA LMS and MAPP Access
  • Health Home Implementation Webinar, Session #50 - MAPP Implementation Updates, Access and Training PDF - WMV - February 4, 2015
    Topic(s): MAPP Features, MAPP Schedule, MAPP Access and MAPP Roles
  • MAPP Statewide Implementation for Health Homes - ACCESS PDF - January 13, 2015
    Topic(s): HCS Organization Accounts, HCS User Accounts, HCS MAPP Roles, Training, CMA LMS and MAPP Access

MAPP HHTS File Specifications Document

MAPP HHTS File Specifications